OBDII U Code Definitions Be sure to double check the codes Codes from U0000 to U1000 and U3000 to U4000 are Generic, defined by ISO/SAE Codes between U1000 and U3000 are Manufacturer specific and may not match the ones listed here Check specific manufacturer pages on the site, as some of them, we list the OBD2 codes on those pages for thoseApr 16, 19 · WUP Installer GX2 is used to install channels and apps onto your Wii U's home screen Since we can't do that without code signing being disabled, we'll need to load into Mocha CFW first Back out of the homebrew app store, and load Mocha CFW You Wii U should reboot, and show the Mocha splash screen while reloadingMit DumpsterU lassen sich Spiele, Updates, DLCs und Speicherstände von einer externen Festplatte direkt auf den PC dumpen GaryOderNichts Webseite GPLv3 15,23 MB 2706 JGecko U Ein Gecko CheatClient und RAMDebugger BullyWiiPlaza Webseite Proprietär ~11,00 MB
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